Rating System
- NI - “Needs Improvement” Alex rarely or never demonstrates the competencies for this category or requires frequent direction/supervision. Please address how can Alex improve to meet your expectation in Other Comment box
- D - “Developing” Alex is learning and developing new skills or may be new to the job/function and is moving in a positive direction toward demonstrating the competencies for this category.
- M - “Meets Standard” Alex consistently demonstrates the competencies for this category.
- E - “Exceeds Standard” Alex consistently demonstrates excellence in the competencies for this category.Alex can be depended upon to demonstrate the expected behavior under all reasonable circumstances. Alex’s job achievements have added significant value to the goals of MZT, M&M and CJW.
- NA/O – “Not Applicable or Observable” This rating is given when the rating factor does not apply or when job performance has not been observed.
- Other - "Other Comment" This is given when you have other comments that you like to address and/or you like address how can Alex improve to meet your expectation.