Mission2gatherMission2gather offers great opportunities and benefits to the small churches, mission organizations and missionaries. Small churches no longer have to plan mission trips by themselves. All they need to do is reach us by logging onto aitmission.org or contact us for mission trip information, choose the appropriate mission trip, and we will do the rest for them. Mission organizations limited time and financial resources for marketing and promotion to publicize their mission trip and attract missionaries. AIT Mission pledges that the missionaries in the field will not be forgotten, rather what they need to do is go to aitmission.org or contact us to update their status and their needs and we will do the rest for them.
For more details - click here |
Mission2KyrgyzstanThe Kyrgyzstan project is dedicated to building student dormitories and
education center for the International University of Central Asia (IUCA). AIT Mission hopes to improve the learning and living environment of the students in IUCA by working with Central Asia Sharing Aid (CASA) and their international partner, MCCF, which is Mercy Charitable Christian Foundation (YRAIYIM), a non-profit public foundation. For more details - Click here |
Mission4homesFor the Mexico project, AIT Mission partners with Ensenada Project and Tijuana Project in building churches and homes to improve the lives of those in the villages surrounding the metropolitan Ensenada / Tijuana area.
The people that live in these communities on average earn less than $15 a day and yet the cost of living is not that different from the USA. To build a simple 2 room home with no indoor plumbing on a small 30 x 30 parcel of land will cost up to $7000 USD (including land costs). In many families both the husband and wife work, and even this is seldom enough so they will also pull their older children from school and have them work as well for survival. Ensenada/ Tijuana Project is a ministry that exist to serve in the community alongside the people of Ensenada/ Tijuana, as well as other missionaries. In partnering with Ensenada/Tijuna Project, AIT Mission hopes to introduce an alternative solution in building houses for those in need and to encourage more people to take parts in God's Great Commission. For more details - Click here |