亞太事工,誠摯的邀請,有異像,有負擔,願意委身的同工,一起參與在團隊中,一起在這一片廣大禾場中服事眾教會,各盡其職、建造基督的身體。(弗 4:12).
服事亞太教會 支持神學院事工、培養神學生 提供神學生獎助學金 支持教會事工、同工培訓班、培養同工、傳道人 幫助在職傳道人、牧師、教會同工生活津貼 支持宣教平台、開拓教會、福音據點、福音預工、 偏遠地區支援教學
亞太事工,誠摯的邀請,有異像,有負擔,願意委身的同工,一起參與在團隊中,一起在這一片廣大禾場中服事眾教會,各盡其職、建造基督的身體。(弗 4:12).
服事亞太教會 支持神學院事工、培養神學生 提供神學生獎助學金 支持教會事工、同工培訓班、培養同工、傳道人 幫助在職傳道人、牧師、教會同工生活津貼 支持宣教平台、開拓教會、福音據點、福音預工、 偏遠地區支援教學
Asia-Pacific is a large field ready for harvest for the Gospel. Asia is characterized by its large population, rapid growth of the church, wide variety of people groups, lack of economic, educational and theological resources, large number of heretical groups, and the extreme need for ministers of the Gospel who have received theological education.
For these reasons, training church workers and protecting them against heretical teaching are especially important, and building up churches and training coworkers is an immediate need.
We invite those who have a vision and burden for ministry in Asia-Pacific to participate in our work, working together in this large field to serve God’s Church, preparing God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up (Eph 4:12).
Our Ministry Goals
Serving the Church in Asia-Pacific Supporting seminary work, building up seminary students Providing scholarships for seminary students Supporting church ministry, coworker training, building up ministers and coworkers Financially assisting church ministers, pastors, and church coworkers Supporting missions work, church planting and church plants, humanitarian Gospel work, and teaching and education in places lacking in resources
For these reasons, training church workers and protecting them against heretical teaching are especially important, and building up churches and training coworkers is an immediate need.
We invite those who have a vision and burden for ministry in Asia-Pacific to participate in our work, working together in this large field to serve God’s Church, preparing God’s people for works of service so that the body of Christ may be built up (Eph 4:12).
Our Ministry Goals
Serving the Church in Asia-Pacific Supporting seminary work, building up seminary students Providing scholarships for seminary students Supporting church ministry, coworker training, building up ministers and coworkers Financially assisting church ministers, pastors, and church coworkers Supporting missions work, church planting and church plants, humanitarian Gospel work, and teaching and education in places lacking in resources